Facial Reflexology

This profoundly relaxing treatment begins with Indian head massage techniques then uses beautiful oils to massage and stimulate facial pressure points. It will leave you glowing and feeling rejuvenated.

Thank you Sarah for the facial reflexology - you are nothing less than a miracle worker

Opening with Indian head massage moves and a warm towel facial cleanse you will be relaxed before the facial reflexology even begins.

Light fingertip touch as well as deeper massage moves are applied to the structures and muscles of the face and neck. Gentle massage to warm and soothe and then stronger, contrasting 'gua sha' sculpting and Japanese facial techniques to encourage muscles out of old habits. 

Facial reflexology increases circulation and helps expel natural toxins via the lymphatic system. The stimulation of nerve endings can improve muscle function and may help reduce pain via the release of endorphins. Tension is removed from facial muscles and muscle tone improves.


Removes tension from facial muscles especially areas around the jaw and temples.

Calms the central nervous system via stimulation of vagus nerve during neck massage.

Reduces puffiness, helps lymphatic circulation and improves complexion.

Can alleviate headaches, blockages in the sinuses and muscle tension held at the temples.

Acne prone skin may benefit from regular facial treatments which can assist in regulating sebum production.

Other skin complaints such as rosacea and eczema may also find relief from regular facial treatments.

*Combine with foot reflexology for a 'top to toe' treatment*