Zone Face Lift

Experience Zone Face Lift in Goring.

absolutely the most relaxing treatment I’ve ever had and the best thing for a good nights sleep


Zone Face Lift includes facial reflexology, a hot towel cleanse and invigorating  Japanese massage techniques using jade sculpting tools.

Benefits of Zone Face Lift

Improved circulation: increasing blood flow to skin leaves you looking refreshed.

Releases tension: improves facial and neck muscle tone and can ease headaches.

Encourages removal of natural toxins (cell waste etc) via lymphatic circulation. 

Stimulates nerve endings thereby improving muscle function and helping reduce pain.  

Acne and recurrent skin conditions can see improvement after regular treatments.

Zone Face Lift - 75 minute treatment £80.00

  • Relaxing head / scalp massage
  • Facial hot towel cleanse using Neals Yard products.
  • Full facial reflexology sequence 
  • Stimulating and targeted massage techniques
  • jade 'gua sha' sculpting moves 
  • other specially designed tools to leave your skin glowing.

Zone Face Lift is fantastic as a gift or 'one off' treatment, but the best results have been observed after twelve treatments held over the course of twelve weeks. This way the results become amalgamated over time and the difference in facial lines, complexion and jawlines are noticeable. You may purchase your own jade Gua Sha tool which when used at home everyday in a one minute routine enables you to see results more quickly.

Once the 12 week programme is completed you simply continue with your home treatment routine to help keep up the results. For optimal results it is advised to have a “top up” treatment every 4-8 weeks.

I had the full course of Zone Face Lift treatments last summer. Totally relaxing with great results. Friends commented not only on how well I looked but also how lovely my skin was looking. I was glowing inside and out.

Call, text or email with any questions you may have.

Developed by Ziggie Bergman this popular treatment offers a truly holistic alternative to surgery and fillers.

Find out more at founder, Ziggie Bergman’s website